Data and Insights

A data and insights project led by Transformation Partners in Health and Care (TPHC) analysed waiting times across London’s Integrated Care Board (ICB) geographies. The project was split out into two phases and used pseudonymised data from the Mental Health Services Data Set (MHSDS) provided by NHS England covering individuals aged 0-18 and reviewed data from 2019 – 2023

The collection and use of quality data is central to reducing wait times and improving access and outcomes for children and young people in London. Intelligent insights drawn from wait times data allows the mental health system to develop a more accurate understanding of the problem and supports decision making for the design of improved services and approaches.

The information in these reports provides qualitative and quantitative insights into the as is position of mental health service wait times for children and young people in the capital. The reports examined the length of waiting times, both for initial waits and hidden waits and reviewed waiting times by demographic groups including ethnicity and gender.