Transformation Partners in Health and Care > Our consulting work > Consultancy Case Studies > Long-Term Conditions Outcomes Framework review

Long-Term Conditions Outcomes Framework review

Organisation: North East London Health and Care Partnership

North East London Health and Care Partnership (NEL) logo

With the creation of a single Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and then the Integrated Care Board (ICB) we were appointed to support an Integrated Care System(ICS)-wide approach to the equalisation of Local Enhanced Schemes in general practice to review variations in levels of investment and access across North East London (NEL)

It quickly became clear that evaluating schemes on a case-by-case basis would not maximise the limited resources available and with our client we re-framed the programme to develop a business case and necessary financial and activity model in support of a Long Term Conditions (LTCs) Outcomes Frameworks for implementation across primary care in north east London, to address the historic imbalance in investment in order to reduce health inequalities among patients with LTCs.

The impact of our work

In partnership with senior commissioners and clinical directors, financial business cases have been produced seeking a five-year ICB investment clearly demonstrating commercial, financial and economic viability, cost efficiencies and forecast health improvement trajectories over a 5-year period.

Find out more

Learn more about NEL at the North East London Health & Care Partnership site.

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