Shaun Danielli, Healthy London Partnership’s Director, shares his excitement for the coming year and the new challenges ahead.
You will have been part of, or heard about, our review of Healthy London Partnership over the past few months. We have – quite rightly – been challenging ourselves in our planning for 2018/19. This is in acknowledgement of:
- the continued financial and operational challenges across health and care
but also the positives of;
- the increasing role of our London STPs;
- the fact London has a devolution agreement;
- the general direction of travel and opportunities of increased integration, both within health and across health and care; and finally the
- strength, and continued strengthening, of our partnership working.
Since we were formed in 2015, we have successfully evolved in response to the changing context and demands, and we are now firmly seen as part of the fabric of the London health and care system.
London is taking on more powers and responsibilities and wants to seize these opportunities to improve the health and care of all Londoners at a faster pace.
In response to this, we are taking on broader responsibility for delivering and supporting transformation on behalf of all partners, whilst simultaneously strengthening our focus on a limited number of priorities. These are aligned to our strategic ambitions set out in Better Health for London, London’s Devolution Agreement and the Five Year Forward View.
As we now firmly move into delivery I wanted to update you on our work plan and leadership arrangements.
Below is our work plan for 2018/19, aligned to London’s strategic ambitions.
Read more about us and the types of work we do.
Leadership changes
To deliver on our collective ambitions for London, we have reorganised ourselves to develop a more flexible, responsive and consistent operating model. We have also made some changes to our leadership team to take this forward:
- I am delighted to welcome Schellion Horn as our new Director of Operations and Transformation. Schellion is an economist with 18 years’ experience in the big four consultancies across a range of areas including public sector. Schellion will be focused on mobilising our new operating model alongside supporting delivery of some of our key transformation priorities.
- I’m also very pleased to announce we have appointed Sue Hardy as our London Estates Delivery Unit Director. Sue is currently the North West London Head of Strategic Estates Development responsible for delivering the estates transformation which will enable the North West London’s ‘Shaping a Healthier Future’ clinical model.
- And to complete our joyous haul, we welcome both Peter Kohn and Stephen Waring further into the fold. Peter has agreed to lead Good Thinking, developing a digital mental health prevention service for London. Peter is currently Director of the Office of London CCGs and has vast experience across health. As HLP and the Office of London CCGs come together, Peter will be immediately leading the Good Thinking programme while tapering into the new Office of CCG’s arrangements. Stephen has joined the GLA’s health team four days per week, responsible for the strategic development of all policy, programmes and projects relating to the NHS and care services to Londoners. Stephen will also lead on workforce on behalf the partnership.
- However, there is also a twinge of sadness as we bid farewell to Keri Torney, our Director of Partnerships, at the end of May. Keri has been supporting us on the development of the London Strategic Partnership Board. She is leaving us for NHS England to follow her passion for life sciences. We thank her and wish her well.
- And we said Bon voyage (and don’t forget your return ticket) to George Howard, Director of Mental Health, who has gone on a four month career break to Pakistan. A humongous thank you to Tracy Parr, Director of Transformation, who has agreed to provide senior leadership to the mental health transformation work, whilst continuing to lead on our important work to improve health and care for children and young people in London.
- If ever there were an area of work that required constancy of purpose, it would be our partnership work on prevention and health and well-being. I am therefore thrilled that Jemma Gilbert, Director of Transformation, will continue with this work. It is in a similar vein that I happily confirm that Liz Wise and Anne Whateley will continue to lead, respectively, our cancer and primary care transformation work across London.
- We are collectively strengthening our support to the key policy areas of the devolution agreement around integration and partnership working, and therefore I am extremely reassured to have Patrice Donnelly working with all our partners to lead this work for us.
- Recognising the need to simplify the urgent and emergency care pathway, I am pleased that we will bring together all elements of our transformation endeavours (NHS 111, urgent and emergency care and care closer to home) under Eileen Sutton, London Head of Urgent and Emergency Care.
- We know that we are just one, very small part of the London system and our success is entirely dependent on the quality of our work, our partnership working and our engagement. I am therefore jubilant that Una Carney has agreed to lead all our partnership communications and the ThriveLDN social movement looking to improve the mental health and well-being of Londoners.
- And finally – with every one of the emotions above we say – congratulations to Nabihah Sachedina, our Director of Strategy, who is not content with just one life changing event but is doing two… she is both expecting her first child in the autumn and simultaneously arranging her relocation to New York with her husband later this year. Huge congratulations to Nabihah. Gargantuan boots to be filled. Fortunately for us all, the natural cycle of child birth and the US visa system means we have a few months to plan, so I will be discussing with all our partners how to replace the irreplaceable. More on this over the coming months.
Please get in touch with any one of us to find out what we are doing that could support you and your teams or to tell us what else we should be doing.
You can find more information, insight and tools in the resources section of our website.
On behalf of our all partners we look forward to working closely with you this year.
Contact the team
Shaun Danielli, Director
Nabihah Sachedina, Director of Strategy
Schellion Horn, Director of Operations and Transformation
Keri Torney, Director of Partnerships
Tracy Parr, Director of Transformation (CYP and mental health)
Jemma Gilbert, Director of Transformation (Prevention)
Patrice Donnelly, Director of Transformation (Integration and partnerships)
Una Carney, Head of Communications and Thrive London
Five Year Forward View London Directors:
Eileen Sutton, Urgent and emergency care
George Howard, Mental health
Anne Whateley, Primary care
Liz Wise, Cancer