Workflow Go


  • DNAs
  • Number of appointments
  • Training
  • Reattendance statistics
  • Workflow Go, Pathology Go and Group Consultations are blended learning products Which include e-learning, implementation tools & resources, governance frameworks, data dashboards and virtual support to GP time.
  • All products include data dashboards that track implementation and impact of the product in Practices and PCNs.
  • Dashboards track the individuals training and implementation of the products, including key impact metrics.
  • Our Workflow and Pathology data dashboards break down the percentage of clinical correspondence & test results, by type, completed by Administrators vs GPs, and our Group Consultations data dashboard highlights Practice DNA rates vs Group. Consultations DNA rates.

Capacity to generate reports

  • Practice ad PCN use
  • CCG and other commissioners as appropriate/agreed
  • Our dashboards are available at a Practice, PCN, CCG and STP level.
  • Our Workflow Network product supports PCNs to implement Workflow as a shared backoffice function. As part of this product, we produce aggregated data dashboards showing the collective processing of clinical correspondence and impact across the whole PCN.
  • Our Workflow dashboard show aggregated data at a CCG and STP level so Practices can be supported by their local CCG and STP teams, and allow comparisons to be made and trends identified.

System level

  • Explore possibilities and effectiveness of shared workforce across Primary Care Networks.
  • For SystmOne users our data dashboards update automatically on a daily basis using strategic reporting, pulling data directly from the practices clinical system. For Emis Web and Vision users, we provide clinical systems pecific reports which Practices can pull as frequently as they wish to update their Practice dashboards.

Real time data

  • More than once a day
  • For SystmOne users our data dashboards update automatically on a daily basis using strategic reporting, pulling data directly from the practices clinical system.
  • For Emis Web and Vision users, we provide clinical system specific reports which Practices can pull as frequently as they wish to update their Practice dashboards.

Interoperability/ Integration

  • If interoperable
  • EMIS Web Y/N
  • For SystmOne users our data dashboards update automatically on a daily basis using strategic reporting. This offer is integrated with SystmOne. We also give SystmOne users the ability to submit their reports manually if they prefer. For Emis Web and Vision users, we provide clinical system-specific reports which Practices can pull as frequently as they wish to update their Practice dashboards.
  • Our product training, resources, and data dashboard are located on our learning Platform at:
  • Which Practices are provided a login for.

Ease of use

  • Intuitive and requires minimal staff training (length of training & mode of delivery)
  • Additional training (i.e. Quality Improvement) – free of charge or additional cost
  • Our learning platform is intuitive and contains all the information needed for the Practice to implement our products. By their very nature, Workflow Go, Pathology Go, and Group Consultations encourage the implementation of new roles in Practice in order to free up GP time. Our learning platform contains eLearning courses to train up existing or new people in Practice to deliver these functions. This includes training in Workflow Administrator processing, Pathology Administrator processing, Leadership, Facilitation, and clinical leadership. List price: 30p + VAT per patient population, annually. Product-specific and “at scale” pricing available on request.

Deployment support

  • Deployment support (virtual / face to face)
  • Ongoing customer service (24-hour helpline, dedicated support)
  • Our products include an initial virtual onboarding session to support the Practice or PCN to understand how to use the product and how to get support throughout their contract. Historically we have also offered face-to-face Implementation and Governance workshops to support those customers where this matters to them.
  • Since the COVID 19 outbreak, we have implemented virtual delivery of these workshops when required and have had success with this.
  • Our Practice Unbound helpdesk is available to all our Practice and PCN customers and is available Mon – Fri 9am – 5pm to support with any technical or implementation challenges.

Demand & capacity modelling

  • Capacity needed to meet the demand for your service & type of services
  • Our demand and capacity tools support practices to understand the resource and cost required before implementing our product, including the number of Administrative and GP hours needed by list size.

Payments & expenditure

  • Identify return on investment opportunities
  • Our data dashboards show the return of investment by showing the number of GP house released by implementing our products.