Insight Primary Care Workforce Model
- DNAs
- Number of appointments
- Type & length of appointments/contacts including clinical and non-clinical triage
- Staff mix by appointment & clinical condition
- Administration
- Training
- Staff leave
- Triage
- Reattendance statistics
- Clinical Workflow
- Extended access utilisation
- PA’s Primary Care Insight Workforce Planning tool enables primary care organisations to evaluate their workforce
- across a range of indicators including resilience, capacity, skillmix, cost. Our analytical approach takes into account the impact of delivery model (e.g. triage, virtual consulations etc), DNAs, Appointment durations (including overruns), patient reattendance and allows the user to explore the impact of increasing or decreasing these to inform future delivery model plans.
Capacity to generate reports
- Practice ad PCN use,
- DES and LES schemes
- Extended Access
- CCG and other commissioners as appropriate/agreed
- The Enterprise tool allows you to aggregate practice-level information (with practice consent) to any aggregate level of the hierarchy e.g. PCN, GP Federation, CCG, ICS, DCO, National etc.
System level
- Aggregated appointment data across a region
- Monitor appointment access and availability across a region
- Track population health and distribution as well as practice growth metrics across organisations
- Compare regional appointment activity data against national averages
- Explore possibilities and effectiveness of shared workforce across Primary Care Networks
- Manage workforce across multiple organisations and services
- Highlight efficiencies that can be made via care navigation schemes
Real time data
- Once a day
Ease of use
- Requires specially trained staff (length of training & mode of delivery)
- Intuitive and requires minimal staff training (length of training & mode of delivery)
- Depending on the aims of the user organisation, we offer different levels of training. For typical practice-level use this will often be covered in our standard user training – one half day per practice. For PCN or other aggregated use, you may choose to have dedicated team members to specialise and support the wider practice footprint. In which case, we can offer super-user training for this group.
Deployment support
- Deployment support (virtual / face to face)
- Ongoing customer service (24-hour helpline, dedicated support)
- Our technical team is available to support all of our users via email, video call or phone Mon-Fri 09:00-17:30. If the situation required (and COVID situation allowed) we could also support a practice with further in-practice training or support.
Demand & capacity modelling
- Capacity needed to meet the demand for your service & type of services