EZ Analytics
- DNAs
- Number of appointments
- Type & length of appointments/contacts including clinical and non-clinical triage
- Staff mix by appointment & clinical condition
- Administration
- Training
- Staff leave
- Triage
- Reattendance statistics
- Clinical Workflow
- Extended access utilisation
- National Diabetes Audit – national dataset Staffing ratios Appointment ratios Health inequalities data Long terms conditions performance and optimisation Medicines safety Medicines optimisation Covid related datasets Referrals datasets Cancer referrals datasets PHE published datasets
- Patient feedback Improving prevalence Online access Demographics
Capacity to generate reports
- Practice ad PCN use,
- DES and LES schemes
- Extended Access
- CCG and other commissioners as appropriate/agreed
System level
- Aggregated appointment data across a region
- Monitor appointment access and availability across a region
- Track population health and distribution as well as practice growth metrics across organisations
- Compare regional appointment activity data against national averages
- Explore possibilities and effectiveness of shared workforce across Primary Care Networks
- Manage workforce across multiple organisations and services
- Highlight efficiencies that can be made via care navigation schemes
Real time data
- More than once a day
- We could delivery daily, more than once a day, weekly, monthly – depending on the need/requirement.
Ease of use
- Intuitive and requires minimal staff training (length of training & mode of delivery)
- Additional training (i.e. Quality Improvement) – free of charge or additional cost
- We can also offer Quality Improvement Projects – GP/Pharmacist/Management led.
Deployment support
- Ongoing customer service (24-hour helpline, dedicated support)
Demand & capacity modelling
- Capacity needed to meet the demand for your service & type of services
- Appropriate size for your waiting list in order to see patients in a timely manner
Payments & expenditure
- Breakdown of payments
- Breakdown of expenditure
- Identify return on investment opportunities