There are a variety of resources to support children and young people’s emotional wellbeing.
Good Thinking
Good Thinking is a resource to support Londoners who are feeling anxious, sleep-deprived, stressed, sad or low. It is currently aimed at over-18s, but an offer for 16- to 18-year-olds is coming soon. Visit the site here.
More information and background about Good Thinking can be found here.
Five ways to wellbeing
The new Economics Foundation developed ‘Five ways to wellbeing’ for Foresight’s Mental Capital and Wellbeing Project as a set of evidence-based actions to improve personal wellbeing.
Visit Mind’s website for more information and context that supports ‘Five ways to wellbeing’.
5 to Thrive
City and Hackney CCG together with Hackney Council have developed a web resource “5 to thrive” with five simple steps that can have an impact on patients’ mental health and wellbeing. It uses material from “Five ways to wellbeing” (highlighted above) and includes information on local events and has links to partner organisations. Within the schools section are lesson plans to support schools with implementation.