Evidence-based good practice summary guidance for children and young people’s mental health care in primary care. It was developed in collaboration with UCL Partners.
There are two parts to this work:
1) Good practice examples of how primary care and early help enhances the care for children and young people with mental health problems.
2) A literature review summary in this area of care.
Primary care and early help children and young people’s mental health compendium
A collection of good practice examples of how primary care and early help enhances the care for children and young people with mental health problems. It showcases models that health and care professionals in London and across England felt were effective, innovative and supported by evaluation data.
There is a one-page summary of each model, including the type of service and contacts who can provide greater detail. All models focus on integrated working across the local system, reducing fragmentation and gaps, facilitating easy access and clear pathways. Our Children and Young People’s Team undertook the survey of good practice examples.
Summary of a review of the literature
UCL Partners undertook the literature review, it includes:
- 51 primary studies
- six reviews
- one tool
Thirty-eight of the primary studies describe service delivery or organisation models, pathways or commissioning with or without an evaluation.
The Transformation Partners in Health and Care Children and Young People’s Team is very grateful to everyone who took the time to outline the excellent work that they are doing in their areas.