Transformation Partners in Health and Care > Resources > Advice for schools on online safety

Advice for schools on online safety

Schools can encourage children and young people to be aware of the risks of social media and being online. See the below tips and resources which help to promote the healthy use of social media.

The Role of Schools in Educating Children and Young People about Social media Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families on schools can play an important role in educating pupils on how to stay safe online.
Place2Be’s mental health resources for Schools and higher education Resources for schools and further education settings.
Internet Watch Foundation Highlighting information on the protection of children and young people from online sexual abuse.

Social Media Usage in UK-Facts and Statistics

Identifies the most used social media sites in the UK in 2020.
EPI evidence review on Social Media and children’s mental health The Education Policy Institute (EPI) has examined the evidence of the impact of using social media on young people’s mental health and emotional wellbeing.
How Using Social Media Affects Teenagers How social media can cause anxiety and low self-esteem in teenagers.
Centre For Mental Health study Impact of social media on young people’s mental wellbeing.
Social Media and Adolescent Mental Health-UK Cohort Study UK Millennium Cohort study to assess link between social media usage and depressive symptom in young people aged 14 years and explores pathways of specific symptoms of online harassment, body image, sleep and self-esteem.
Training on E-safety for schools by NSPCC NSPCC provides training for schools on e-safety and how children and young people use existing technology, the risks involved and how to protect them from harmful content online in your context.

Includes modules on bullying, radicalisation and extremism, grooming and more.