Planned activity
Making every contact count has been identified as an integral part of delivering the prevention agenda. It is central to the NHS Five Year Forward View, Health Education England Mandate, Local Government Association priorities and the NHS Standard Contract. All London sustainability and transformation plans identify it as a priority.
We are working with Public Health England, London Councils, Academy of Public Health, the Association of Directors of Public Health for London and the Greater London Authority, and others on a work programme with four key areas:
- Creating a social movement for ‘Health Promoting Places’ and ‘Making Every Contact Count ‘across London
- Sharing learning and supporting innovation
- Developing and enhancing tools to support implementation
- Supporting evaluation and building the evidence for impact
We will deliver
We have a busy work programme planned over 2017/18. Our deliverables are set out by work streams:
Engaging and learning
1. Communications:
- Develop a framework for London
- Vision statement and branding
- Communication materials and engagement plan
2. Sharing good practice:
- Communities of practice (online and face to face events)
- A one stop hub to promote the work of the partnership
- Training space for practical tools/resources including link to national work
- Wiki site to support developing the evidence base and evaluation
3. Skills/Training:
- Identification and sharing of resources including e-learning
- Directory of providers
4. Environment:
- Coordinating resources to support the three areas that enhance making every contact count
- Culture (including links to workplace health)
- Physical environment
- Infrastructure (including levers)
5. Evaluation:
Mapping the baseline activity across London and identifying good practice
- Providing practical tools/resources to support local evaluations
6. Pioneering the making every contact count model beyond health and social care including:
- Fire Brigade
- Voluntary sector
If you would like to contribute to a community of practice group for making every contact count in London please email