Transformation Partners in Health and Care > Our partnerships work > Digital > London health and care information exchange

London health and care information exchange

We are working to connect up all health and care providers across London using a pan-London digital interoperability initiative called the The London Health and Care Information Exchange.

We are working with London CCGs to develop, pilot and launch the London Health and Care Information Exchange. One element of the exchange is a data controller console. This is a new online platform that NHS organisations in London can use to create and maintain information sharing agreements.

The London Health and Care Information Exchange will also enable clinical documents and information to be shared securely and electronically between NHS organisations in London. Design and development of this function is underway.

WATCH: Short video about how by sharing information between NHS organisations can support integrated care and enable better care for patients

LISTEN: Podcast featuring Mike Part, Head of our London Digital Programme, explaining the London Health and Care Information Exchange and why its important for London

To share any thoughts and questions about the London Health and Care Information Exchange please email