Supporting partnership working, governance and assurance
The Transforming Cancer Services Team (TCST) provides an integral role in facilitating partnership working across stakeholders of the London Cancer System. These stakeholders include: NHS England (London region); Integrated Care Systems; London Cancer Alliances; Transformation Partners in Health and Care; patients; clinicians and the third sector.
TCST acts as a conduit between the national cancer team and NHS England (London region) and collaborates across London to ensure local implementation of national cancer policy. The team operates through a ‘once for London’ lens to:
- Support implementation of the NHS Long Term Plan and other policy requirements;
- Bring together partners to enable strategic decision making and mutual accountability;
- Develop strategic and clinical guidance as well as information for patients;
- Ensure the work is informed by service users and clinical experts;
- Support improvement in patient experience;
- Work to reduce variation and inequalities;
- Support primary care development and education;
- Provide targeted service improvement support where a once for London approach is considered appropriate.
TCST provides subject matter expertise and support to the London Cancer Operating Model and to NHS England (London region) for the governance, assurance and reporting of Cancer. Management support is provided to the Cancer Transformation and Improvement Board for London, the London Cancer Hub and the London Cancer Delivery Board – governance bodies of the London regional cancer system.
Subject matter expertise is also provided across the whole cancer pathway along with evidence and intelligence for cancer stakeholders e.g. Integrated Care Systems, screening etc.