Practice Profiles Plus 2020 Refresh
The Profiles were created by a partnership between the Transforming Cancer Services Team for London and the National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service (NCRAS)
These Profiles provide a summary of the key cancer diagnosis and referral indicators for each practice or CCG within the London region. The Profiles enable comparisons to be made with other practices within a CCG, as well as with regional and national figures, to allow for benchmarking and to highlight variations. Each indicator is accompanied by a description of key contextual or influencing factors and provides information on local and/or national resources and initiatives which practices can draw on to help improve cancer outcomes. The Profiles have been refreshed to include data for the 19/20 financial year. Raw data methodology and further indicator definitions and methodology
The purpose of the Profiles is to help practices reflect on their clinical practice and cancer service delivery, with a particular focus on symptom recognition and early diagnosis. It is not intended to be a measurement of performance. However, you may wish to review indicators which are significant outliers for your profile. As many indicators are influenced by factors such as age and deprivation, practices should review their Profile in conjunction with their demographic characteristics. The Profiles present crude rates which are not adjusted for demographic factors. However, each Profile also provides a practice index including additional demographic data to help provide context. A graph is provided for each indicator to visualise individual practices and how they are performing compared to the CCG, Region and England averages. Significance compared to the CCG average is also being shown with colour coding. CCGs can also be visualised comparing how they are performing to the Region and England averages. Significance compared to the Region average being shown by colour coding. There are five years of historic data available for each indicator as historical data may wish to be reviewed to assess data trends for each indicator over time. Whilst the data in this tool is presented at the CCG level, individual practices may find it useful to visit the source website to see their individual practice data concisely presented.
For further information regarding population size of each practice, and additional variables, for the most recent year please visit
Practice profiles for all regions in England can be found on the NCRAS website.
The Profiles were created by a partnership between the Transforming Cancer Services Team for London and the National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service (NCRAS).