National Cancer Diagnosis Audit
The National Cancer Diagnosis Audit (NCDA) aims to collect in-depth data to further understand the patient pathway through primary care to the diagnosis of cancer. Data can be used alongside cancer registration and secondary care health data to further understand pathways to cancer diagnosis locally, regionally, or nationally. Each participating practice receives a report on their own NCDA results, which can be used to drive quality improvement projects and fulfil this requirement in the Primary Care Networks Direct Enhanced Service.
In July 2019, the Transforming Cancer Services – Early Diagnosis Team developed a funded incentive scheme for participating practices in London. Over 450 practices took part in the scheme, marking an unprecedented uptake in audited cancer cases for 2018. The funding scheme has now closed but practices can still complete their audits using the training and information provided on the CRUK dedicated NCDA page.
Practices in London can also request support from their local CRUK facilitator.
CRUK facilitators and GP cancer leads (available to some areas of London) are an excellent resource for practices to get help with running audits, accessing, and interpreting data and developing cancer quality improvement projects.
Findings across the region reveal patients are diagnosed younger with cancer compared with England. Also, whilst patients in London are referred quicker to a first appointment for cancer symptoms it takes longer for them to receive a diagnostic test. For more detail on the London findings please download the London NCDA presentation and report: