London’s Cancer Stage at Diagnosis
The NHS set out an ambitious goal in their NHS Long Term Plan (LTP) (published in January 2019) that, by 2028, 75% of people diagnosed with cancer will be diagnosed at stage 1 or 2. The TCST Early Diagnosis team have developed a set of ranked priorities to focus on the biggest potential for change in lung and abdominal cancers and working with GPs. Please visit our Stage 1 and 2 cancer diagnosis for more information.
Below is an interactive dashboard, to receive the best experience in viewing and interactability, we advise either entering fullscreen via the toggle on the bottom right (you may have to scroll down and to the right within the dashboard) or opening the dashbaord on the Tableau platform.
Data Highlights
Early stage diagnosis (stage 1 or 2) ranges from 52.1% to 59.1% across London for the latest available data for CCGs (2018).