Case studies

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  1. Tessa Jowell Health Centre (Partnership Southwark)

    A real testament to the community, but also importantly, to Tessa Jowell’s vision for an integrated and holistic centre. – Ian Abbs (Chief Executive, Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital)​ About the partnership Partnership Southwark was formally established in 2019, building on exploratory work in 2017/18 for a Community Based Care Programme ​ The Partnership Southwark Board has representatives from…

  2. Approach to health inequalities (North Lewisham PCN)

    [Covid-19 highlighted] that there was a shift change to remote consulting/online consulting and that we were leaving behind the more vulnerable members of our patient population. Dr Aaminah Verity, Lead for Health Inequalities, North Lewisham PCN About the partnership North Lewisham Primary Care Network (NLPCN) comprises of nine practices. It…

  3. Partnership Southwark

    Partnership Southwark is here to focus on what we can achieve by working together across organisations (e.g. physical and mental health, social care, housing, voluntary sector). We recognise that we need to be led by the people of Southwark in designing, testing and developing genuinely joint solutions to address the deepest…

  4. Sutton Integrated Care Place (PCN development)

    Success is predicated on developing trusting relationships, getting the governance right and focusing on delivery in equal measure. It is difficult to make progress without this. I also think it’s important to recognise achieving integration across systems is not easy.. …the need to continuously manage complex relationships cannot be underestimated….

  5. Barnet Wellbeing Service

    In Barnet, we’ve shown what’s possible by taking a partnership first approach and this is having great impact for our community. Fehintola Kolawole, Head of Wellbeing, CommUNITY Barnet About the partnership The Barnet Wellbeing Service is a programme that was established in 2017/2018 as a collective process between people who…

  6. Camden Resilience Network

    Merging seven VCSE contracts into one alliance model has helped us to move away for that transactional relationship into more partnership working. Now the conversation is more about ‘where can we find the funding, what can we do differently and how we can prioritise?’. Debra Holt, Assistant Director Integrated Commissioning…

  7. Health & Care Academy Barking & Dagenham, Havering & Redbridge (BHR)

    We’ve developed the first workforce dashboard that pulls together health & social care data. It captures insights at a greater depth than any other tool available. Emily Plane, Head of Strategy and System Development, BHR Integrated Care Partnership About the partnership BHR Integrated Care Partnership is a partnership spanning the…

  8. Health and Care Space Newham (HCSN)

    This will be a partnership with a difference because we are generating social capital/local ownership for our residents through better housing and facilities. Together we will have the ability to provide healthcare in modern fit-for-purpose premises built and owned by the community. This will ease access to services and lead…

  9. Bexley Vaccine Confidence

    I was vaccinated because Covid is a crushing weight on the world and anything I can do to lighten the load is a step in the right direction. Bexley Resident About the partnership In Bexley, partners worked together to better increase vaccine confidence. The Local Authority developed and undertook a…

  10. Enfield Parent Infant Partnership

    We started as a really tiny service and we’ve remained that way – we’re small but we’ve been going for 8 years, we have a big reputation, and have had a real impact on parents and infants in Enfield. Carole Levine, Parent Infant psychotherapist/Team Lead Enfield Parent Infant Partnership (EPIP),…

  11. Health & Wellbeing Hub Consultation Barking & Dagenham, Havering & Redbridge (BHR)

    We are excited to be part of this new development for residents of Havering, delivering a more joined up approach to care locally and collaborating with our partners in the NHS, local authority and voluntary sector to really develop and deliver an asset for the local community. Oliver Shanley, Former…