Case studies

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  1. Tessa Jowell Health Centre (Partnership Southwark)

    A real testament to the community, but also importantly, to Tessa Jowell’s vision for an integrated and holistic centre. – Ian Abbs (Chief Executive, Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital)​ About the partnership Partnership Southwark was formally established in 2019, building on exploratory work in 2017/18 for a Community Based Care Programme ​ The Partnership Southwark Board has representatives from…

  2. Approach to health inequalities (North Lewisham PCN)

    [Covid-19 highlighted] that there was a shift change to remote consulting/online consulting and that we were leaving behind the more vulnerable members of our patient population. Dr Aaminah Verity, Lead for Health Inequalities, North Lewisham PCN About the partnership North Lewisham Primary Care Network (NLPCN) comprises of nine practices. It…

  3. Partnership Southwark

    Partnership Southwark is here to focus on what we can achieve by working together across organisations (e.g. physical and mental health, social care, housing, voluntary sector). We recognise that we need to be led by the people of Southwark in designing, testing and developing genuinely joint solutions to address the deepest…

  4. Bexley Vaccine Confidence

    I was vaccinated because Covid is a crushing weight on the world and anything I can do to lighten the load is a step in the right direction. Bexley Resident About the partnership In Bexley, partners worked together to better increase vaccine confidence. The Local Authority developed and undertook a…

  5. One Bromley Local Care Partnership

    In the last year, we achieved something in our careers that we have never done before; we had half a million pounds shifted from the acute trust into community services to back up the work we did around discharge during the pandemic so we can continue to invest in services…

  6. Bromley Well Health and Wellbeing Service – Bromley Third Sector Enterprise (BTSE)

    During the pandemic Bromley Well’s Single Point of Access has come into its own, taking up to 100 calls a day. Callers have benefited from access to a whole range of services via one phone call – from financial advice to support for their mental wellbeing. Kim Carey, Interim Director…

  7. Healthier Greenwich Partnership

    We have moved into a space of dialog. Our agenda is centred around items that we can influence and control, and we are clear on what’s coming down from the system as information and things we cannot control. Sarah McClinton, Place Executive Director, and Director of Health and Adult Services,…