London Anti-Racism Collaboration for Health (LARCH)
The London Anti Racism Collaboration for Health is running a programme of activity. Find out more and sign-up for more information
The collaboration is funded by the London Health and Care Partnership to support organisations to become more inclusive and tackle structural racism.
LARCH is being developed as part of a commitment identified in both the London Health Inequalities Strategy and the Building a Fairer City plan for London and has been welcomed by the London Leaders and the London Health Board.
LARCH has established a strategic framework with partners from across the London health and care network asking for commitment at all levels to tackle ethnic health inequalities through an anti-racist approach.
The collaboration recognises, supports and builds on existing activity – providing opportunities for cross-sector learning, reflection and improvement, with community voice at its core. It will drive our shared London commitment to tackling racism. The work of the collaboration will support health and care organisations across London to tackle ethnic health inequalities by implementing an anti-racist approach in support and service provision across the communities we serve.