Case studies

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  1. Waltham Forest Violence Reduction Partnership (VRP)

    It is a new way of working with our communities to find solutions; a collaborative, partnership approach that recognises that it is our collective responsibility to support our young people to showcase their talents… Cllr Ahsan Khan, Cabinet member for Community Safety About the partnership VRP was established in November…

  2. Kingston Strategic Partnership (Seizing the Moment)

    Reaching brand new voices was always a focus and put rigor behind the work. We had a map of Kingston from the outset and mapped out places we could use as touch points for seldom heard groups rather than relying on established routes like e-mail, social media or council stands….

  3. The Harrow Health & Care Executive (HHACE)

    In the joint Covid response in Harrow [HHACE] allowed us to work through areas of concern across all partners with joint solutions often achieved. HHACE member About the partnership The Harrow Health and Care Executive (HHACE) is a weekly meeting of system leaders first established in February 2020. Initially setup…

  4. One Bromley Local Care Partnership

    In the last year, we achieved something in our careers that we have never done before; we had half a million pounds shifted from the acute trust into community services to back up the work we did around discharge during the pandemic so we can continue to invest in services…