In Barnet, we’ve shown what’s possible by taking a partnership first approach and this is having great impact for our community.

Fehintola Kolawole, Head of Wellbeing, CommUNITY Barnet

About the partnership

  1. The Barnet Wellbeing Service is a programme that was established in 2017/2018 as a collective process between people who use mental health services, voluntary and community sector organisations, the health service, and Barnet Council.
  2. The aim of the Wellbeing Service is to empower residents to self-manage their emotional well-being, remain independent and reduce their reliance on emergency health and social care services.
  3. The service is comprised of three parts: Firstly, Barnet Wellbeing Hub – the ‘front door’ of the service. It is a single point of access to mental health support through Social Prescribing, where Care Navigators assess users and provide individual care plans. Secondly, community interventions offered by a range of large and small VCSE partners as well as those commissioned by the service. Thirdly, community IAPT services, delivered by the Barnet Enfield and Haringey Mental Health Trust, for those needing statutory services.

What has gone well

  1. The service is funded by the ICB and managed by a third sector partner, CommUNITY Barnet. Meridian Wellbeing deliver the engagements with those accessing the service.
  2. The service receives steer from the Wellbeing Steering Group including charity partners, Barnet CCG, Barnet Council and those with lived experience.

Challenges experiences and overcome

  1. Ensuring a joined-up experience for those accessing the service despite the complexity of the partnership arrangements involved. This complexity is managed by having clearly distinct roles for each partner.


  1. Barnet Wellbeing Hub acts as a gateway to more than 350 wellbeing services across Barnet.
  2. Drawing in a range of expertise and perspectives has increased the effectiveness and appropriateness of the service and this has been a key factor in supporting 5,447 individuals through the Barnet Wellbeing Service activities in 2020 – 2021.
  3. Network events have enabled stakeholders, residents, commissioners and people with lived experience to come together, share experiences, learn from local and national good practice, review current activities and plan for the future.
  4. To date the service has been highly effective and well- received and now supports an average of 190 individuals each month.

What made the difference

  1. Third sector partner as prime contractor: North Central London Clinical Commissioning Group commissions the service. CommUNITY Barnet was appointed in 2018 to oversee this partnership and to act as the prime contractor.
  2. Close partnerships and collaborative arrangements: with Voluntary and Community Organisations that have long-standing links with the community.

Want to hear more?

Contact: Fehintola Kolawole, Head of Wellbeing, CommUNITY Barnet

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