Join the London Cancer Community of Practice as a patient partner
Are you living with or after cancer and interested in helping improve patient outcomes across London?
The London Cancer Community of Practice steering group is looking for two patient partners to help develop our programme of work.
What is the London Cancer Community of practice?
For many people, cancer is a long-term condition, whether living with or after cancer. Our aim is to provide education and learning opportunities that support health care professionals become more informed about cancer care and feel more empowered to support their patients who are affected by cancer..
The Community of Practice is made up of nurses and allied health professionals working in primary care, community or hospital-based services. Our members are a mix of cancer specialists and non-specialists who are working together to learn from each other, share good practice and help make changes in how they work together to improve patient outcomes.
Here is a short video about the community of practice.
What does the steering group do?
Our steering group plans and develops community of practice events.. We have two existing patient partners on the group – our aim is to build on this to ensure that the group is inclusive, diverse and represents the multi-cultural population of our city.
How does the steering group work?
The steering group meets monthly online (MS Teams). Meetings take place during office hours. If you’re new to working with NHS organisations, we can offer an induction through our partners Central London Community Health Trust as well as support with attending virtual meetings. we patient.
Patient partners will also be invited to attend the Community of Practice monthly webinars and face to face sessions.
If you would like to find out more, please contact Sandra Dyer
Alternatively, complete the form opposite and we’ll send you further details
London Cancer Community of Practice: Patient Partner role
Please complete this form if you'd like more information on becoming a patient partner on our Cancer Community of Practice steering group.