Transformation Partners in Health and Care > News and views > High praise for the Children and Young People’s Mental Health event

High praise for the Children and Young People’s Mental Health event

More than 130 experts in the field of mental health attended the Children and Young People’s Mental Health event on 3 July, organised and hosted by the Healthy London Partnership.

42 speakers delivered 35 presentations on different areas of positive practice across the UK to encourage shared learning.

Feedback from the event has been overwhelmingly positive. 100% of responses said the event “highlighted and disseminated existing good practice.”

Key speakers included Sarah Brown, from NHS England and Improvement CYPMH Programme, who gave a national update about policy, including the NHS Long Term Plan implementation framework, with a particular focus on mental health, the key ambitions and indicative funding allocations.

Catherine McAllister, Head of Safeguarding and Child Protection at the BBC spoke about the launch of the BBC’s ‘Own It’ App later this year. It is just one of the ways that the BBC is giving children and young people the resilience and skills to avoid or deal with online bullying.

A demo of the app and a video about ‘The worst things kids say to other kids online” can be found here:

Professor Peter Fonagy, NHS England and Improvement National CYPMH Clinical Advisor, set out the issues faced by vulnerable children and those who had experienced trauma.

However, the young people from Here, Queer and Mentally Unclear stole the show in a performance that expressed and explored the prejudices and challenges the LGBTQ+ community can face.

One attendee said: “I found this event incredibly informative, useful and inspiring. It was a welcome ‘thinking break’ and provided some really useful food for thought and learning from other services which I will certainly take back into our service.”

“An excellent event with a great mix of topics and the performance from the young adults was a lovely way to keep our clients in the centre of our minds. Thank you for a great day!”

Breakout sessions covered six  topics:

  • Parental and family mental health
  • Digital mental health
  • CYPMH transformation and support tools
  • Looked after children and social care
  • Prevention and early intervention
  • Working with an extended age range

This was the second event of its type in two years.

Presentations from the event will be circulated.