Reducing Carbon Emissions
Organisation: NHS England – Greener NHS
We were commissioned by the NHS England Greener NHS programme to lead the analytical planning and modelling of interventions to reduce carbon emissions across the NHS. Our work contributed significantly to the successful publication of Delivering a Net Zero National Health Service, which provided a detailed account of the modelling and analytics underpinning the latest NHS carbon footprint, trajectories to net zero and the interventions required to achieve that ambition.
The impact of our work
Following publication, we led the development of a Data and Metrics Framework to monitor the progress of actions taken, review the success of identified interventions, measure performance against net zero trajectories and identify priority areas for investment. The framework provided the basis for accountability at NHS Public Board.
The report
Report front cover (select/click to expand)
Greenhouse Gas Protocol
scopes in the context of the NHS (select/click to expand)
Diagram showing sources of carbon emissions by
proportion of NHS
Carbon Footprint (select/click to expand)
Find out more
Read more about the ambitious aims and targets to get the NHS to Net Zero at the Greener NHS site.
Get in touch
To hear more about our work, or to find out how we can work together with you, email us at: