0-25 mental health services
“All children and young people deserve to have good wellbeing and grow up equipped with the tools they need to understand and support their mental wellbeing as they move into adulthood.” State of the Nation 2019
Transformation Partners in Health and Care (TPHC) is committed to supporting local areas to develop or extend services which meet the needs of children, young people and young adults aged 0-25. The NHS Long Term plan commits to extending current service models to create a comprehensive offer for 0 to 25-year-olds that reaches across mental health services for children, young people and adults and delivering an integrated approach across health, social care, education, and the voluntary sector. This is not just about transition; it is an opportunity to transform current mental health services and create seamless provision for children, young people, and young adults. In London young people aged 0-25 make up roughly 30% of the population (Statistica, 2021). What happens early in life affects our health and wellbeing in later life. We know that poor mental health can have a negative impact on a young person’s education, career, relationships, physical health, quality of life and limit their opportunity to fulfil their potential
Over the last few years, and throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen an increase in children and young people needing support for their mental health. Now more than ever it is important for local areas to take action and implement change. My hope is that the information and support offered by TPHC will support the development of 0-25 services across London that better meet the needs of young people.
Charlotte Harrison, Clinical Director, Acute and Urgent Care, South West London and St George’s Mental Health Trust
TPHC has developed and a series of resources including a case for change, research papers, case studies and clinical models. Our work captures the voices and experiences of young people from across London.
We wanted to share our experiences and pull together quotes and stories from other young people. It is great that developing 0-25 services is part of the NHS Long Term Plan. We strongly believe that young people should have a say in their health and in developing services. We hope developing 0-25 services will provide a safe and accessible space for every young person to be heard and supported.
Shelby and Katie, Young Experts and co-authors
We hope that these resources help local systems to consider what models would work best for the populations they serve, reflect on key challenges, and use this to inform their planning, development, and rollout of 0-25 services.
Read the Case for change here.
Background reading
Produced on behalf of the Healthy London Partnership by Dr. Paolo Fusar-Poli, MD, PhD, RCPsych1-4, Reader in Psychiatry and Youth Mental Health, King’s College London
A critical review of the evidence
Produced by the National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health