Transformation Partners in Health and Care > News and views > Demand and Capacity modelling for Endoscopy Services at Epsom and St. Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust

Demand and Capacity modelling for Endoscopy Services at Epsom and St. Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust

Last year, TCST supported a demand and capacity refresh for endoscopy services at Epsom and St. Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust, working closely with colleagues and offering expertise around the modelling data requirements and analysis of modelling outputs alongside a detailed report.

The Trust approached TCST to run a refresh demand and capacity modelling exercise following the south west London system level modelling for endoscopy exercise that took place in 2021. The intention was to support with capacity planning, improvement projects and validate concerns around the pressures the service were experiencing.

The same approach as the 2021 model was applied using the National Demand and Capacity Team’s Core Model, which calculates the capacity required for the service against a demand baseline. The core model calculated the required capacity needed for the endoscopy service at Epsom and St Helier to ensure patients are seen within their targeted wait times and are not delayed.

The detailed report provided an objective assessment of the capacity position for endoscopy which aligned to the anecdotal concerns being raised and was a key agenda item for discussion and review at the endoscopy user group meeting. Evidence based headlines were shared which enabled actions for service improvement plans.

It was an extremely valuable exercise to update the capacity and demand analysis, to understand the change from the baseline and to experience such a positive level of engagement from colleagues at Epsom and St Helier.

For more information contact Sarah Cooper