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Cancer Genomics in Primary Care

8 February 2024, 12:00 – 13:00

Join our webinar, discussing the relevance of cancer genomics in primary care and what healthcare professionals need to know.

Topics and key note speakers outlined below:

Cancer Genomics – why is it relevant and what do we need to know in the primary care context?
Dr Angela George (Medical Co-Director North Thames Genomic Medicine Service Alliance – GMSA)

Genomics and Lung Cancer – how is genomics relevant to our clinical practice?   
Tracey Cole (Cancer Genomics Project E&T lead, NTGMSA and Lead Lung Cancer CNS) 

A series of presentations from Members of the Oncogenic Driven Lung Cancer (ODLC) Patient Alliance: Angela Terry (EGFR+ve UK Patient Advocacy Group chair), Debra Montague (ALK+ve UK Patient Advocacy Group chair), Dr Gini Harrison (EGFR+ve UK Research Lead). 

‘See through the symptoms’ campaign 

Lung Cancer in Never Smokers (LCINS): a patient’s story  

What does primary care need to know about LCINS? 

How can hospitals and primary care work together better to improve our experience?  

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