Advice and resources for places of education
1. Return to School
- Tips for going back to school after lockdown Our Time is a registered charity providing interventions to children and young people whose parents have a mental illness. NHS Senior Clinical Psychologist, Dr Shreena Ghelani, has written an article on what parents need to know to get their kids ready to return to school.
- Supporting mental health and wellbeing of pupils and students during periods of disruption The Anna Freud Centre is a world leading mental health charity for children, young people and their families. They have created a guide to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of pupils and students during periods of disruption.
- Recovery Curriculum Evidence for Learning provide a think piece for educational professionals on ‘A Recovery Curriculum: Loss and Life for our children and schools post pandemic.’ It offers sharing of good practice and ways in which schools can prepare, adjustments to currciulum which are crucial, managing staff recovery, frameworks that will faciliatete teaching with compassion ect.
- Guidance for schools: coronavirus (COVID-19) The government have published guidance on what school leaders, teachers and school staff need to do during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
- Actions for schools during the coronavirus outbreak This government guidance includes actions for schools during the coronavirus outbreak and explains what all schools will need to do during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
- Support for catch-up planning Oak National Academy is an online classroom made by teachers for teachers, parents and children. They provide over 10,000 high quality video lessons and resources which cover a wide range of subjects for children’s remote learning. The lessons also have quizzes, worksheets and creative activities which can be accessed on many devices.
- Oak Academy Teacher Hub Oak National Academy has a ‘Teacher Hub’ where educational professionals can access prioirty units and lessons, quizzes, worksheets, lesson plans and more. You can also share full lessons directly to pupils.
- Reprezent REPREZENT is an award-winning youth development organisation and media platform. The majority of teachers are unaware of available support services, and untrained in Mental Health First Aid/support. Reprezent can equip pupils and teachers with exercises and methodologies to manage mental health problems and improve wellbeing.
- Advice on COVID-19 for places of education The Public Health Agency (Northern Ireland) have created a poster/infographic for places of education which includes advice how to stop the coronavirus from spreading and what you can do if you are feeling unwell.
- Helping children transition back to nursery The Anna Freud Centre provide information on 8 ways parents and carers can help children manage the transition back to nursery.
2. Primary School
- How are you feeling? The Anna Freud Centre
- Primary school Covid-19 recovery PSHE programme Our Time (registered charity) have created a Primary school Covid-19 recovery PSHE programme. The Our Time Primary PSHE teacher guide is designed to support teachers in delivering the topics of mental health and mental illness as part of a Covid-19 recovery curriculum.
- Place2Be We’ll meet again- Ideas for assemblies Place2Be have put together a series of resources focusing on community recovery and helping you to bring your school back together. It includes a selection of assembly ideas and class-based activities from Place2Be to support your school community as it comes back together.
3. Supporting Children with bereavement
- Children’s Bereavement Workbook ‘Time4Me’ is a workbook for children. The main aim is to encourage children to begin talking about their experience of grief.
- Understand the challenges of grief and ways to help Child Bereavement UK provides training to professionals involved with those affected by bereavement, assisting them to understand the challenges of grief and ways to help. They also offer three-hour interactive webinars for professionals on how to support young people.
- Coping with bereavement Age UK have written an article on how to cope with the death of a loved one. It includes information on how to manage feeling tired and drained, how to cope with fear and anger, how to stay on top of practical things and where to find more help and support.
- Coronavirus: grief and trauma Cruse Bereavement Care is the leading national charity for bereaved people in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. In this article, it exaplins how to deal with grief and trauma due to death relating to coronavirus. It includes advice on how to help yourself and other people, and how Cruse can support you.
- COVID-19: Supporting Bereaved Children and Young People Childhood Bereaveemnt Network provide advice on managing a death during Covid 19. They provide essential resources to help you navigate feelings and provide tips on how to say goodbye, stay connected and how to support children whilst at home.
4. Secondary School
- Place2Be We’ll meet again- Ideas for assemblies Place2Be have put together a series of resources focusing on community recovery and helping you to bring your school back together. It includes a selection of assembly ideas and class-based activities from Place2Be to support your school community as it comes back together.
- Secondary school COVID-19 Recovery PSHE programme Our Time’s PSHE teacher guide helps you to explore the topics of mental health and mental illness with Years 7-11. It has a a specific focus on understanding mental illness and supporting young people who live with a parent or guardian who has a mental illness.
5. Supporting families
The Perfect Ice Cream Our Time has created a new animation, with input from young people and this explores family mental health difficulties in a sensitive, familiar way. They also provide an activity pack to get young people thinking about mental health difficulties and these activities can be done both remotely and in the classroom.
6. Supporting Staff Wellbeing in Schools & Colleges
- Supporting yourself and colleagues The Anna Freud Centre have created a booklet for educational professionals with practical guidance about what school staff and senior leaders can do to support their own wellbeing and their colleagues’ wellbeing. It provides simple guidance and good practice where schools have implemented wellbeing strategies.
- Staff mental health calendar ‘The School Bus’ has created a educational staff mental health calendar in the form of a poster. This calendar includes one action each day such as taking 10 minutes for yourself, practicing deep breathing, finding time for a hobby, talking about your day, connecting with peers and more.
- Teacher resilience during coronavirus school closures The British Psychological Society have created a booklet on teacher resilience during school closures. It includes advice on overcoming adversity and being able to adapt to challenging situations.
7. Play & Physical Activity
What works in schools and colleges to increase physical activity The UK Government have published a guidance document which summarises the evidence of what works in schools and colleges, to increase levels of physical activity among children and young people.
8. Home Learning
- Get help with remote education The UK Government have published guidance on how to get help with remote education. It provides information on how you can access guidance, resources and support for teachers and school leaders on educating pupils and students during coronavirus (COVID-19).
- Adapting teaching practice for remote education The UK Government have published guidance on adapting teaching practice for remote education. The considerations mentioned may help in adapting practices to best meet the needs of pupils.
- Safeguarding and remote education during coronavirus The UK givernment have published guidance on safeguarding and remote education. It helps you understand how to follow safeguarding procedures when planning remote education strategies and teaching remotely during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.