South London & Maudsley NHS FT: PCREF pilot
South London and Maudsley NHS FT is one of the Patient and Carer Race Equality Framework [PCREF] NHSE pilot sites. PCREF will be mandatory for all mental health trusts from 2024/25. PCREF is a participatory anti-racism framework aiming to eliminate the inequity in access, experience and outcomes which people from racialised communities experience. It is launched on an iterative basis with the intention of being refined during implementation. The PCREF comprises 3 components: Part 1 – Leadership and Governance; Part 2 – National Organisational Competencies; Part 3 – Patient and Carer Feedback. The Trust has focused its first iteration of PCREF on Black African, Black Caribbean and Black Mixed communities since its data indicates they are the most likely to suffer disadvantage. Its PCREF programme has a comprehensive governance structure designing, developing, implementing and evaluating the change programme in an equal partnership between Black communities, Black service users/carers and staff.
View the PCREF launch event presentation
Strategic framework pillar: good practice of Health Equity Programmes.