NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Podcasts
Doctor’s from the NHS talk to different influencers on their podcasts to educate people about the NHS bowel cancer screening programme helping to save lives. These talks answer questions and break down barriers which some people have which stop them from completing the screening test kit when they receive it.
Screening Podcasts
Affinity Xtra
Dr Josephine Ruwende, Cancer Screening Public Health Lead for London, spoke with Roger Moore on his Affinity Xtra podcast. Speaking about the NHS screening programmes in detail, the benefits of being screened early for bowel cancer and how important early detection is for saving lives. This podcast is one example of the outreach work which teams within the London area have been completing during the campaign and beyond.
The focus of these conversations is to increase awareness of the bowel cancer screening programme, to educate people on the benefits of participating in the screening programme and reduce health inequalities within the population.
Dr Austin – Instagram Live
Dr Austin talks to Lady Anne Welsh about the NHS bowel cancer screening campaign on Instagram which ran in 2022. They discuss how bowel cancer is screened, how to complete the test and who is eligible. The campaign focused on increasing participation rates which are seen in several groups including but not exclusive to, men, marginalised groups, and people with learning disabilities. The aim of the campaign was to increase uptake and reduce inequalities in screening within London by promoting the use of the FIT kit sent directly to patients in their homes.