Transformation Partners in Health and Care > Our partnerships work > Personalised care > Current projects > Approaches to Community Led Prevention in Secondary Care

Approaches to Community Led Prevention in Secondary Care

Social prescribing, along with other community-based interventions, aims to tackle the wider determinants of health and can help to reduce inequalities.

Although social prescribing is more commonly embedded in primary care, there are many examples in secondary care settings having a significant impact.

Enabling prevention in secondary care ensures that needs are addressed at every stage in a patients journey. A whole-system approach to prevention will be a key enabler of developing Integrated Neighbourhood Teams (INTs).

Group of people talking - mixture of male and female presenting people

The two documents on this page have been developed to support the embedding of prevention in secondary care and to make the case for a whole-system approach to prevention.

Containing practical guidance, tools and detailed case studies, these documents can also support with planning strategies and developing integrated partnerships, as well as offering valuable insights to help drive forward impactful change.

If you have any questions about how to use either of these documents, you can contact us here.

If your question is about the local impact of social prescribing and other community-led approaches to prevention, we’d recommend contacting your local ICB or Trust.